Select Program & Boat:
{{totalTripDuration.hours}} hours {{totalTripDuration.minutes}} minutes
{{formattedTripStartTime}} > {{formattedTripEndsTime}}
{{booking.totalPax}} Total Pax
Customize Your Trip
You can select up to 4 stops included in your trip
Extra Activities/Stops:(Extra hour)
Extra Activities/Stops:
You can choose up to 4 extra stops to be arranged with the boat captain
How many extra stops - {{extraStopsModel.extraStopUnitPrice}}€/ stop
{{booking.extraStopsModel.extraStopUnitPrice * extraStopSelectedHours}} €
Extras On-Board:
Please check our extra items
Orange Bay Island Entrance
Island entrance fee is calculated per person
Your selected program will require an extra hour charge to your trip duration
{{selectedAdultsCount}} {{item.priceModelName}} X {{item.unitPrice}} € = {{selectedAdultsCount*item.unitPrice}} €
{{selectedChildsCount}} {{item.priceModelName}} X {{item.unitPrice}} € = {{selectedChildsCount*item.unitPrice}} €
Lunch Options:
Lunch is provided in Orange Bay island, so the entrance fees will be added automatically
Do you require transfer to Hurghada marina?
Please make sure to be at Hurgada new marina at
{{booking.transferAmount}} €
Personal Info
Your Booking